What is the benefit of using vitamin C in daily makeup?

Darkness, wrinkles, dryness. The solution to thousands of skin problems is hidden in one ingredient. Vitamin C Vitamins are rich in lemons and amlaki. As it has a role in preventing diseases, it is no less effective in restoring the beauty of the face. If you regularly use this vitamin in beauty care, you will get the benefits. What is the benefit of it, and how to use it?
Removes dark spots
Under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun, dark spots fall on the skin. Some parts of the face become dark even though excess melanin is accumulated. Spots on the forehead and cheeks are also due to acne. All these dark spots can disappear with proper use of vitamin C. Plus, the vitamins can help restore dry, rough skin.
Aids in collagen production
A protein called collagen helps keep the skin taut. As the collagen levels in the skin decrease with age, wrinkles fall on the face, the skin becomes loose. Vitamin C helps in increasing the level of collagen production to keep the skin fresh and beautiful.
How to use?
Vitamin C capsules are available. It contains vitamins in liquid form. You can mix a few drops of vitamin C with aloe vera shell and apply it. Mixing the vitamin with aloe vera gel and massaging the face with light hands will brighten the skin.
Dermatologists advise to use this vitamin in the morning. After cleansing the face with a mild face wash, apply it before applying moisturizer. A few drops of vitamin C can be mixed with sunscreen and applied. In addition, commercially available vitamin C serums can also be used for the skin. However, if there is any inflammation after using vitamin C capsules or applying the serum, it should be avoided.
Just as hair and skin are taken care of from the outside through makeup, if the body is not healthy, it will affect the face and eyes. Eating one lemon juice every day will keep the vitamin C level in the body right. In addition, adequate water intake and sleep are the keys to beautiful skin.